Forum Debrief

Chief Human Resource Officers Forum Debrief Spring 2023

Posted By The Academy

May 23, 2023

Recently, we provided a debrief on our recent Leading Health System (LHS) Chief Human Resource Officers (CHRO) Forum. We shared what these executives discussed with their peers, including what’s top of mind for CHROs coming out of the forum:

  • Balancing Flexibility and Cost Management in Role/Benefit Design: CHROs are at a unique and critical juncture that requires them to balance the needs/wants of their workers with the cost-management needs of their systems. As a result, leaders are re-evaluating their benefit/role structures, using data-informed processes to identify the key pillars of benefit and role design that impact retention and wellbeing, and cutting unnecessary features/offerings.

  • Enhancing the Employee Journey by Investing in Employee “Belonging”: CHROs are working across departments of their systems to scale and streamline strategies that address employee belonging at all levels (front-line, mid-level, and top-level), implementing a variety of solutions and engagement policies that aim to improve manager-employee relationships and alignment with system strategy/mission.

  • Seeking Creative Community and Competitor Partnerships to Scale Pipeline: To combat persistent workforce shortages, CHROs are pursuing multi-pronged partnerships with educational organizations, community-based organizations, and other Leading Health Systems to align on talent growth goals/requirements and supports – choosing to postpone recruitment competition in favor of pipeline scalability, especially for allied health workers.

  • Exploring the Application of Advanced Tech in Talent Acquisition and Broader Workforce Functions:

     CHROs are early in the journey but are eager to explore the applications of advanced, generative AI in HR functions. Early wins indicate a scalable business case in talent acquisition, including the streamlining of candidate scheduling, and general hiring processes.

  • Enhancing the Visibility of HR Across Strategic Pillars of the System: As workforce pressures persist across the system enterprise, CHROs are improving their visibility across departments to ensure system-level goals/strategy for workforce engagement and culture are integrated and standardized across business units and service lines.

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