Webinar, Research Report

Chief Medical Officers and Medical Group Leaders Forum Debrief

Posted By The Academy

May 9, 2023

Academy IQ provided a debrief on our recent Leading Health System (LHS) Chief Medical Officers (CMO) and Medical Group leaders Forums. In our debrief, we shared what these executives discussed with their peers, including what CMOs/Medical group leaders are working on right now:

  • Reengaging and energizing the physician workforce.

    CMOs are continuing to support the workforce in addressing post-COVID trauma and adapting to the new values and needs of the next generation of physicians. Medical group leaders are reducing burnout by addressing high burden tasks like in-basket messages and experimenting with flexible schedules.

  • Evaluating AI and technology

    CMOs recognize the need to embrace AI-enabled innovation but feel daunted by organizational readiness and identifying the right solutions. They are sharing evaluation frameworks that help 1) assess readiness for digital transformation, 2) ensure solutions solve the right problem, for the right consumer, and 3) prioritize which initiatives to pursue.

  • Aligning Physicians on value-based care

    To facilitate culture change required for value-based care, CMOs are determining how to better involve physicians in care redesign, measurement, and health plan strategy. Medical group leaders are focused on proving the value of the CIN as an alignment model, to the system.

  • Assessing the threat of primary care disruptors.

    CMOs and medical group leaders view clinician recruitment by disruptors as a more pressing threat than revenue loss. They are evaluating whether to ignore, compete or partner with each type of disruptor and how they can continue to drive innovation in their own primary care models.

  • Advancing system progress on health equity

    CMOs view their role in health equity as an advocate focused on breaking the ice, raising awareness, and injecting momentum. In practice, this ranges from translating best practices from discrete projects to system wide initiatives and establishing governance to support health equity strategy.

  • Spearheading cost management and revenue generation initiatives that also improve outcomes and quality.

    CMOs recognize the role they need to play in managing margins and see solutions in reducing expensive readmissions or complications, improving clinical documentation, and reducing LOS by improving discharge planning.

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