Webinar, Research Report

How Industry Can Win Over and Support LHS in AI Adoption

Posted By The Academy

March 18, 2022

There’s growing recognition that AI will inevitably be integrated into all aspects of health care. Across the board, LHS executives identified AI/ML and RPA as a top five area for improvement in our 2022 Priorities Survey. But Leading Health Systems have a long road ahead of them adopt, implement, and realize value from AI, ML, and RPA technologies. Part of the challenge is understanding where these technologies can be applied and which options in a crowded market can best meet their needs. Read and watch this Academy IQ webinar to: • Understand where the LHS market stands today and where it’s heading for AI/ML/RPA • Learn how you can better market your products/solutions • Determine how to set-up a partnership with LHS to drive ROI • Gain actionable tools you can integrate into your health system facing collateral

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