Webinar, Research Report

How LHS Are Responding to Primary Care Disruptors

Posted By The Academy

May 18, 2022

Primary care has long been a foundational element of Leading Health System (LHS) strategy, but in recent years LHS have seen an array of new primary care providers (PCP) emerge, disaggregating and disrupting the traditional PCP-focused, clinic-based care model. LHS are at a pivotal point and are in the midst of deciding to compete, partner, or “wait and see” in response to this increased competition.

 Watch this Academy IQ webinar to:

  • Understand the most notable primary care disruptors (who they are, how they operate, and the key areas they’re forcing health systems to innovate)

  • Learn two ways LHS are thinking about primary care:

    • Mimic Disruptor Segmentation Strategy to Build Population-Specific Innovations

    • Partner Based on Market, Population, and Patient Accuity

  • Unpack areas of innovation, decision-making dynamics, and how to position your products/solutions in the context of evolving LHS primary care strategy

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