Program Snapshots

2023 Virtual Nursing Program Snapshots

Posted By The Health Management Academy

March 15, 2023

A look at early adopters of virtual nursing

Nurse leaders are in near universal agreement that the status quo of bedside care delivery is unsustainable, given rising frontline burnout, turnover, and labor costs. One promising path forward is through virtual nursing, in which a virtual RN who directly oversees or otherwise supports the care delivery of the bedside team.

Given widespread interest in virtual nursing, Nursing Catalyst interviewed a diverse array of existing pilots in fall of 2022 to learn how leaders are implementing these models, and to explore the long term financial viability of virtual nursing as programs scale beyond the pilot stage.

In this publication, you’ll find:

  • Key insights from leading health system executives about the state (and future potential) of virtual nursing

  • Program snapshots illustrating the diversity among existing pilots

We hope that this research accelerates your organization’s care delivery innovation, and we look forward to sharing future research on scaling and sustaining virtual nursing in 2023.

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