
Virtual Care Part II: Innovation in Virtual Care Design

Posted By The Academy

October 12, 2022

Virtual Care Part II builds upon the understanding of consumer and provider behaviors from Part I. Part II explores how Leading Health Systems (LHS) are responding. This session will cover:

  • Journey mapping of virtual models through a series of case studies from LHS

  • What can LHS learn from disruptors doing well in virtual care?

  • What will differentiate LHS in virtual care in the long run?

Virtual Care Scans expand on the information included in the Virtual Care Part II webinar and cover the state of LHS virtual programs in the following service lines: virtual post-operative care, virtual chronic disease management, virtual oncology, and virtual behavioral care. Updated, expanded scans of the five models covered during the webinar will follow. Virtual Care Scans are also available here.

Key Words: Virtual care; virtual models; primary care; second opinion; urgent care; maternal care; musculoskeletal care; disruptors

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